Online language
classes tailored to

Let your business grow unhindered. Boost your employees in time with our effective language training courses.

Let your business grow unhindered. Boost your employees in time with our effective language training courses.

We act quickly

Are there dozens of them? Do they come from different departments? Do some of them work on the other side of the world? Do they all have busy schedules? We arrange the customised language training that each of them needs.

Our language training courses quickly make your employees better at their jobs. Your company can continue to grow unhindered.

Keep an overview

Order and manage your employees' language training courses in no time. As a manager, keep an overview. Follow the planning of their classes.

Constantly stay informed of their progress. Get a clear picture of the return of each language training course.

No group classes

Group classes bring far too little to your business, and here's why:

You have to practise a language. In group there is no time for that. Divide the time of a class by the number of students and you know what time it is.

Not all learning is useful for everyone.

Classes are slowed down. There are always students with less prior knowledge, aptitude and/or commitment.

Absentees fall behind and struggle to catch up again.

Online language class, but first a


Why Full Marks?

  • One-to-one
  • Online and live
  • Whenever you want
  • Tailored to your goals
  • Taught by a native speaker
Discover our method

We use the official European classification of language levels

European language levels

Take advantage of subsidies and take classes (almost) for free


Speak your customer's language

Check out our range of languages

Stay informed about our online language courses

